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Export/Import ExFlow data​

Go to: ExFlow Setup --> Actions --> Functions --> Export/Import Setups

Export/Import Setup

Export/Import ExFlow Setup
ExportExport selected ExFlow Setup Table Data
ImportImport selected ExFlow Setup Table Data
Select AllSelect all sections to be exported
Clear AllUnselect all sections
List Import ErrorsView a list of errors from the latest import
Delete Import ErrorsDelete listed errors from latest import

Export data​

It is possible to both import and export ExFlow data through this function. This can be convenient when, for instance, its is needed to export data like ExFlow Standard Purchase Codes or perhaps ExFlow Vendor Setup from one database to another.

Simple enable those settings to be exported and then ExFlow will download a .json file to import in the other database.

Export/Import Setup

Import data​

Import the data in the other environment by selecting the relevant tables and click on ''Import'' to upload the .json file.

Export/Import Setup

If any errors occur during this process, all will be listed under ''List of Import Errors''. Handle the error and import the file again. Use ''Delete Import Errors'' the clear the list, if needed.

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