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Release Notes

ExFlow – Release Notes

Type of Release:
Minor Release

Release Date:

Release Information:
Requires BC 24.0 or later

The issue with deferral codes in some specific scenarios getting an incorrect posting date when running the function "Batch Update Posting Date" has been solved in

The issue related to importing only PDF-files through ExFlow File Import Setup has been solved in

The issue that Sales Orders could not be created in some scenarios has been solved in

The issue where in some cases the VAT was incorrect on Sales Invoices generated from Re-invoicing has been solved in

The issue where ExFlow could not be upgraded to the latest version has been solved in

The issue when running Progressus and ExFlow resulting in some times not being able to code the invoice has been solved in

Two new events available for OCR Import Mapping - Added in

Re-invoicing did not work with Swedish language in Approval Status - Resolved in

Fixed issue when using ExFlow AP and Progressus where sometimes the "chargeable" field did not behave properly - Resolved in

The issue with the VAT Bus. Posting Group not having a rounding account when using Preliminary Posting is now working again as intended - Resolved in

New Features

30556Import JournalEnhanced ExFlow to map up to 8 Misc. Charge fields to purchase codes.
44644Import JournalNew event added for item charge assignment in the Import Journal
42817Approval StatusAdded shortcut command for Preview Posting in Approval Status
44220Import JournalPDF-viewer in separate browser supported again
32864Approval StatusFactBoxes of vendor statistics added in Approval Status and Approval Status History
40207Import JournalBetter matching against currencies in Payment Validation
43588Approval StatusAdded function to revert all coding on documents done in the web in Approval Status


43997WebResolved issue that sometimes the warning of having a minimum number of approvers did not warn.
44100SetupUpdates made to EX BASE where some permissions where missing
44288Import JournalFixed issue that in some cases a receipt could not be matched when the same item were used in multiple lines
42949Import JournalFixed issue that sometimes when contract was matched, the dimensions and approval did not follow the settings.
42062WebFixed issue when sometimes Item Charges were not possible to approve in the Web

Minor bug corrections are also handled in the release but not in the release notes.

ExFlow – Release Notes

Type of Release:
Major Release

Release Date:

Release Information:
Requires BC 23.0 or later

Authentication Email and Contact Email can now be edited on the ExFlow users, this is for customers that are not using office - changed in 24.0.310.36

The admin search not being able to open documents in ExFlow web is resolved in 24.0.310.33

Issue related to Auto Acc groups for BC 25 is resolved in 24.0.310.31

Entra Groups not being updated correctly with ExFlow resolved in 24.0.310.31

Dimension filter search in ExFlow Web improved in version 24.0.310.31

Finnish customers can now again import lines and the calculation of Line Amount is correct - solved in 24.0.310.20

New event added to enable more customization of Re-Invoicing - added in 24.0.310.20

Multiple improvements to the search in ExFlow Web when using dimension filters on the ExFlow User - improved in 24.0.310.20

Negative line discounts can now be handled in the Import Journal in 24.0.309.15

In some specific cases the option "Minimum No. of Approvers" did not work as intended, this has been resolved in 24.0.309.15

Being able to change incorrect discounts is solved in 24.0.310.12

Minor fixes to Order matching where ExFlow sometimes could not identified the correct line is solved 24.0.310.12

ExFlow permission sets not containing enough permissions is solved in 24.0.310.12

New Features

31845Approval StatusAdded PDF FactBox in Verify Changes Page
32005Email RemindersAdded new E-mail Reminder for Documents On Hold
36272ReportsImprovements done in the Approval Status Report, now supporting different currencies in a better way when recalculating the lines
36766Email RemindersAdded new E-mail Reminder, Users who create the Purchase Order/Quote is now able to get a reminder that the document has now been fully approved.
38927SetupAdded possibility to block the posting of documents outside of ExFlow, I.e creating a Purchase Invoice and then posting it bypassing the need for approval.
40503Approval StatusNew bigger feature added, set filters on what is allowed values to be changed in the web, if set now there is no manual check needed for these values when running Verify changes.
39935ExFlow Sales OrdersAdded support for Custom Shipping Address
41637ExFlow Sales OrdersAdded the option to use unique No. Series for Sales Orders created through ExFlow Sales Orders
41640ExFlow Sales OrdersAdded staging possibility for documents that should not be automatically created and instead set on hold, creating more control for specific Customers.


40887Preliminary PostingFixed issue when working with preliminary posting and deferrals, now the reversing is done in the correct date.
40197Finnish localizationResolved issue in Finnish localization where you could in some cases create the document without a message.
40465SetupFixed an issue in Export/Import ExFlow Setup where the dimensions would be missing in the purchase codes.
40419, 40422Spanish localizationFixed two issues on the technical side where IDs where missing and added ID type in Import Journal
37501SetupResolved issue where the Project Manager could not be retrieved in dynamic approval flows

ExFlow – Release Notes

Type of Release:
Minor Release

Release Date:

Release Information:
Requires BC 23.0 or later

The issue with deferrals and preliminary posting has been fixed in

BC upgrades failing sometimes due to ExFlow data has been fixed in

The issue when ExFlow Approval Status report didn't create remaining periodic balance in specified account has been fixed in

Expose method ''AddDocumentFromBlobs'' that replaces obsolete method ''AddDocumentFromStreams'' has been added in

In NA environments ExFlow required Gen. Prod. Posting Group to be populated on G/L Account and Fixed Asset Lines in Import Journal. This issue has been resolved in

Preliminary Posted documents cannot be reversed due to adjusted exchange rate on vendor ledger entry. The adjusted exchange rate posting will now be reversed om final posting date, resolved in

An issue where users with permission set EX ACCOUNTANT were denied access to ExFlow Import Journal Batches has been resolved in

Line discounts were calculated twice in Import Journal has been resolved in

Approving documents in Business Central with same functionality as ExFlow Web regarding setup in ExFlow Columns "Update VAT Product Posting Group" and "Update Gen. Prod. Posting Group" has been added in

Support for Prel.Posting without VAT has been added in


39085Import JournalResolved issue regarding import of the OIOUBL format
40104Import JournalGreat improvement to the performance when working with the multi line matching
39999Import JournalResolved an issue where invoices with service items could in some cases not be created from the Import Journal
39764Import JournalNow ExFlow will support the dimensions on the accounts as well in the background posting.
39492Import JournalResolved an issue with the payment method code when working with credit memos. It would previously not pick this up correctly.
39085Import JournalResolved issue regarding import of the OIOUBL format
40104Import JournalGreat improvement to the performance when working with the multi line matching

ExFlow – Release Notes

Type of Release:
Minor Release

Release Date:

Release Information:
Requires BC 23.0 or later

Added back support for Re-Invoicing other line types towards G/L account. - Fixed in

Added new tables with read permission for EX BASE - Fixed in

Enhanced existing functionality “Matching Delay” in ExFlow Setup, now a different error message will show if the document date or due date is within the date formula. This will make it easier to use this functionality so the customers know what documents needs their attention. - Fixed in

New Features

11392WebAdded support for Confidential Invoices in ExFlow Web and the Business Central
25408WebEnhancing the existing functionality of Re-Invoicing with multiple new features
27791TechnicalAdded support for ExFlow Tables in BC Data Search
28316WebAdded basic support for BC standard Inter Company in ExFlow
30635WebAdded reason code in ExFlow Web for Purchase Order matched Documents
32203SetupImprovements to ExFlow Audit Log, possibility to generate PDF with the approval flow
35216Import JournalThe Purchaser Code is now able to be shown through personalize in the Import Journal
35729ExFlow Data CaptureAdded possibility to not synchronize specific vendors to ExFlow Data Capture, this is done through ExFlow Vendor Setup
36300SetupAdded possibility to set default message type for Vendors, only available in FI localization
39171TechnicalAdded new query to be able to handle Credit Memos and Invoices for Power BI


36337SetupFixed issue that the Unreceived Order Notification would some times stop working
38656SetupFixed issue with preliminary posting that previously reversing was not possible when having a different pay-to vendor
38566SetupFixed issue with the import job creating multiple job queue entries incorrectly
38346SetupThe reference description on the contract not being moved to the reference card has been resolved
37306Import JournalThe Payment Method Code not being set correctly on Credit Memos has been resolved. This issue was only in US & CA environment
37110OMNIResolved the issue when some users could not access the contract to be able to fully approve them
36966SetupThe issue that attachments in some cases would receive the type “Other” has been resolved
37654SetupAdded support to use Job Task No. in the Data exchange for ExFlow

ExFlow 23.0.329.0 – Release Notes

Type of Release:
Major Release

Release Date:

Release Information:
Requires BC 23.0 or later

The issue of Business Central upgrades occasionally encountering failures due to an ExFlow-related error has been resolved in version 23.0.329.3.

Vendor Name not showing in in ExFlow Vendor Setup for has been resolved in version 23.0.329.14.

Description 2 not supporting the same number of characters in Business Central as in ExFlow Web has been resolved in 23.0.329.14.

New Features

19664SetupAll previous ExFlow settings on the Vendor card as well as ExFlow Advanced Vendor Options have been moved to ExFlow Vendor Setup
30367SetupAll previous ExFlow settings on the Vendor card as well as ExFlow Advanced Vendor Options have been moved to ExFlow Vendor Setup
30676PO-matchingAdditional fields added into ExFlow Approval Documents in Business Central making it easier to approve invoices that are matched to a PO
31319WebAdded support for additional tax fields in ExFlow Web for US and CA localization
32226Import JournalInvoice Message will be populated with Vendor Invoice Number if the Invoice Message is empty - only in FI localization
34703SetupEDC Accounts, ExFlow BLOB Storage & ExFlow File Import Setups will automatically be disabled whenever a sandbox copy is created
34979SetupImported lines with the value of 0.00 will be automatically removed when imported. Only applicable for the Item line type
36206TechnicalAdded the option to import all PDF's to all companies when importing documents during upgrade from NAV to BC
36629SetupAdded new setting in "Order and Quote Approval" - "Only receive Approved Order". When enabled, Purchase Orders will not be able to be received as long as the Purchase Order is not fully Approved in ExFlow. This setting is only applicable when Purchase Order Approval in ExFlow is enabled


36410SetupEnhanced Email Translation for Unreceived Orders - Resolved issue related to E-mail translation for Unrecieved Order
32724ReportsImproved Final Posting Accuracy for Bridging Accounts -Implemented fixes for situations where enabling "Exclude Periodic Lines with Start Date after Posting Date" and "Post Remaining Periodic Balance to Separate Account" in the Approval Status report could result in incorrect final postings for bridging accounts
34522, 36785, 37027PO-matchingOptimized PO-Matching Functionality - Multiple improvements to PO-matching, including the ability to match the same item multiple times on different lines on the purchase order
34900SetupStreamlined Vendor Master Data Sync - Resolved an issue that occasionally prevented manual use of the Master Data sync for vendors to ExFlow Data Capture
35139SetupEnhanced ExFlow Get Started Wizard - Automatically created jobs have been removed from the ExFlow Get Started Wizard, empowering Delegated Admin users to run the wizard with greater control and ease.
35228ApprovalImproved Approval Flow Control - Approval flows will now only initiate once the Purchase Order/Quote is released, preventing unintended flows. Additionally, users can now modify approval flows when the status is Open, offering greater flexibility, especially when working with Auto Approval Groups
35323Import JournalResolved Repetitive Job Queue Entry Issue - Job 881 continuously being added to the job queue entries is successfully resolved

ExFlow – Release Notes

Type of Release:
Minor Release

Release Date:

Release Information:
Requires BC 22.1 or later

Fixed various issues related to working with multiple prepayments solved in

Vendor Master Data sync not working with new EDC integration when using Swedish language solved in Purchase Invoices not being able to be posted solved in

Not being able to approve in certain localizations from ExFlow Approval Documents page solved in

Auto Coding Suggestion not being able to be created as well as minor improvements solved in

Unit of measure being removed when creating documents when working with Progressus solved in

New event added related to the imported purchase line added in

Job queues removed when running ExFlow wizard, now partners with Delegated Admin will be able to run the wizard in

Two new events added related to updating dimensions and order matching in

Added new event for search in ExFlow web in ​​​​​​​

New Features

32727Contract MatchingReminder added for missing/expected invoices according to Contract lines (periods)
32727Contract MatchingQuick create Contract from Invoice added to Actions in Import journal
32727Contract MatchingAuto Acc. Group added to Contract Statistics and Approval Status History
32747GeneralAdditional ExFlow tables added to Export/Import setup
32823Invoice StorageAdded native support for external storage in SharePoint
32920PO-matchingSupport for reminders on Orders with unreceived lines in Approval Status
32923PO-matchingOrder No. is no longer populated when processing additional invoice line charges
32817Sales Order ImportImproved accuracy of matching customer ship-to location when importing Sales Orders
34604Sales Order ImportImproved accuracy for matching customer contact when importing Sales Orders


34515ApprovalControl on minimum No. of approvers causes issues if line is sent for approval on dummy account with only first approver
32757Approval StatusBatch Posting resets any filters in page
34112Import JournalColumn headers are sometimes not responsive when horizontal scrolling
34358Import JournalError when creating invoice with item charge assignment from Import Journal
34694Import Journal[BE localization] Error message: 'Structured Message failed…' when controlling payment reference field
34698Invoice StorageAdditional setting to commit certain no. of invoice images in batches when enabling
32315Job QueueJob queue creates multiple unnecessary entries for CU 12057075
33739PDF-viewerPDF preview sometimes cuts text on invoices in Import journal and Approval status
32386PO-matchingIssue when creating documents where an item charge line is listed above the item lines it is assigned to
32820PO-matchingError Code: '...DB:recordExists' sometimes when importing documents for PO matching
34206PO-matchingInvoice Line is connected to the wrong post. rec. no
34547PO-matchingFinal prepayment invoice not calculating correctly if other currency than LCY
33248SearchError message: 'The length of the string...' when applying filter on approver and vendor
33150WizardsBroken video links in PO-matching wizard
34515ApprovalControl on minimum No. of approvers causes issues if line is sent for approval on dummy account with only first approver
32757Approval StatusBatch Posting resets any filters in page

ExFlow – Release Notes

Type of Release:
Minor Release

Release Date:

Release Information:
Requires BC 22.1 or later

Unable to import invoices if scheduled job for OCR Service has been deleted resolved in

Amount calculated incorrectly for prepayment invoices when using other currency than LCY fixed in

Unable to upgrade from older version of BC & NAV to BC Online has been fixed in

New Features

29378ApprovalAlways check minimum number of approvers when the last user is approving
30565ApprovalRestrict Printing/Sending Purchase Order that is enabled for ExFlow, if the document is not fully approved
29382ApprovalStatus Possibility to send back document line to any approver when rejecting changes
31251GeneralSupport for Auto Acc. Group as a feature
29364Import JournalSend chat notifications to BC users from Import journal
28139Import Journal[US localization] IRS 1099-related fields added to Import Journal


32670ApprovalAuto Acc Group not modified when changing G/L account in ExFlow web
33312ApprovalStatus Document Status not updating in Approval Status when PO matched documents are fully approved
28805GeneralUnable to edit lines on unreleased Purchase Order, if it will be assigned an Approval Group
33306GeneralError when adding/modifying new lines on a Purchase order, if Purchaser code is applied
33272ImportError message: "You have modified Tax Area Code" when batch importing documents in some scenarios
32474Import JournalPrepayment amount on final invoice incorrectly calculated if previous invoices are including VAT
30913Import JournalNot possible to use Propose VAT line if a PO number has been applied
33055Import JournalError when adding additional approvers manually in Approval Proposal, if Approval rule has already been applied
33062Import JournalError Message: Type must not be in ExFlow Purchase Document Line if Auto Coding Suggestions are enabled
30145Import JournalDimension values applied from OCR Import mapping not displayed on document lines until Dimension Set Entries page has been opened
32113Import JournalAll Import journal batches are processed, not only the selected one, when running Import Documents
33244Import Journal[US & CA localization] Tax Area Code not populated correctly from Vendor/Location to document in some scenarios
33724Import Journal[BE localization] Users with permission set EX ACCOUNTANT can experience permission errors when importing documents
33269PO-matchingIf Match Document to is set to Receipt, invoice is still matched to Order line incorrectly
26078Purchase Codes[US & CA localization] Tax Area Code and Tax Group Code added to ExFlow Purchase Code
29827SearchSlow searching in BC and time outs in ExFlow web when only filtering on line values

ExFlow – Release Notes

Type of Release:
Major Release

Release Date:

Release Information:
Requires BC 22.1 or later.

Various issues with PO matching solved in

Purchaser and Purchase Coordinator missing in Email setup fixed in

Not possible to install latest version fixed in

Preliminary Invoice posted when PO matching fixed in

Error "Default Admin Role ID must have a value" when activating new license key fixed in

Issue updating document lines if a receipt has been posted after import fixed in

Preliminary Posting activated after upgrade to 22 fixed in

Document Status not updating in Approval Status when PO matched documents are fully approved fixed in

Approval proposal in import journal gives an error message when adding approvers fixed in

New Features

11088LocalizationSupport for Belgium localization
18732Audit LogDetailed Audit log added as a new feature. View document changes in an overview based on invoice states and actions, or drill down to view detailed changes for each field.
25219Invoice StorageExternal Storage added as a new feature. It is now possible to store your invoice images in an external storage such as Azure Blob storage. At posting, the invoice image will be removed from the database, and stored externally instead. The framework can also be extended to use with other storage services such as Sharepoint, AWS, local folder etc.
26367Budget ControlsG/L Budget Controls added as a new feature. Activate by running the wizard for ExFlow Budget Controls. Controls are done against G/L budget on G/L account in combination of global dimensions. Approvers will receive warnings in Import journal or during Approval, and automatically a specific approver can automatically be added to the approval workflow if a budget post combination is exceeded.
28612WizardsThe ExFlow installation wizard has been reworked and improved. It will now also include setup of users, user references, approval workflows, auto coding suggestions, scheduled jobs and OCR Service Setup.
28937ImportGet attachments from an external source based on reference in XML. Specifically requested for FINVOICE
29354GeneralSupport for Responsibility Center in ExFlow
30199Auto CodingImproved accuracy
30262WizardsNew wizard for activating and configuring PO matching
30290PO MatchingRestricting the possibility to match an invoice to an open Purchase Order, or a Purchase Order that has not been approved if activated for ExFlow Approval.
30312PO MatchingPossibility to process additional line charges for a PO-matched invoice.
30457GeneralSupport for non-deductible and partly deductible VAT. We strongly advice not activating this feature in Business Central since there are critical issues for documents in other currencies than LCY.
27288Contract MatchingExFlow contracts has now been enhanced with Invoice periods, that can be created manually or from Periodicity. The invoicing periods can be set to generate Purchase invoices for the purpose of self-billing.
27355UsersSelect and create multiple ExFlow users from the BC user list.
29858ReferencesA new option to automatically create a reference for new ExFlow users has been added to ExFlow setup. From ExFlow user lists, you can also batch create references for all existing ExFlow users.
30309PO MatchingPossibility to specify lines types that can be automatically received and invoiced by ExFlow, in ExFlow setup
30666GeneralTooltips from commonly used pages are now linked directly to relevant sections in User manual at
31703Contract MatchingReason for manual approval of a contract-matched invoice added to the document in ExFlow web.
27693Auto CodingVendor added to grouping for Auto coding Suggestions.
29371SearchIt is now possible to search for Vendor name AND Vendor no. by searching for 'Vendor' in ExFlow web.


30359ApprovalPosting date is now correctly updated on the Purchase Order when posting a prepayment invoice, as well as VAT dates being incorrectly assigned from the order header.
30642PO MatchingGet Receipt/Return Shpmt./Order Lines doesn’t display Qty. for documents in Approval status.
29979VendorBusiness Central crashes when creating a new vendor and opening all posting groups, specifically when the ExFlow Setup "Auto Create Vendor ID" is set to "Ask".
30300Import JournalIf not enabling 'Direct Posting' on the G/L account set for Prepayments in General Posting setup, an error message that "G/L account is not found" is received when creating a Prepayment invoice.
30399Import JournalNot possible to match invoice lines to PO lines in the import journal if there are already other invoices with lines matched to the same PO lines.
30431GeneralNot possible to access ExFlow Setup if the default Base Role Id is blank.
30448ApprovalExFlow Approval is not set to yes per default if copying a Purchase Order.
30660UsersNot possible to create a new ExFlow user for delegated Admin if the email address used for authentication is invalid.
30663EmailsEmail notifications for new comments added to the Discussion Panel in Import journal not sent.
30715ApprovalNot possible to post a 100% prepayment invoice due to an error regarding Gross Amount.
30725ApprovalIf quantities are manually adjusted on a credit memo that is connected to a Return order, the quantity used in item tracking will come from the Return Order instead of the Credit memo.
30959EmailsEmail notifications should be disabled in test companies
30960PDF-viewerSome information disappears from certain PDFs.
30961ApprovalInvoices are sometimes stuck in 'inactive' status if the amount is below 'Min. Doc Approval Amt. (LCY)'
30968ApprovalGeneral Product Posting Group required on G/L account associated with FA Posting Group
30971SetupLines are ignored for specific vendors if 'Ignore OCR lines' is set to Yes in ExFlow Setup but Never in Advanced Vendor options for a specific vendor.
30972Import Journal[IT localization] - Field 'Operation Occurred Date' missing on Ex document header.
31059EmailsUnable to send reminders online matched document, if PO number is interpreted on header level.
31143ApprovalAuto-approval on Purchase Order not working when using user setup or purchaser code.
31171ApprovalNot possible to edit Deferral Schedule in Import journal
31190Import Journal[US localization] - Gen. Prod Posting group missing on invoice even if set as default in ExFlow Setup.
31243Import JournalDue date not calculated correctly for some scenarios
31279Verify ChangesThe procedure for automatically posting receipts sometimes fails and could result in receipts being posted again next run time.
31341Import JournalDocument lines are deleted when changing document type.
31443ApprovalDocument not visible in inbox if put 'On Hold' and forwarded to new approver.
31793PO MatchingPossible to post an invoice without receipt if using 'Order and Receipt' as matching option.
31990PO MatchingReceipt no. not added if getting receipts manually from actions in Import journal.
31997PO MatchingReceipt lines added from PO no. in header are removed if getting receipts manually from actions in Import journal.
31622PO MatchingMatching against multiple purchase receipts not working if 'Multi Line matching' is activated.