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ExFlow Web

As soon as invoices are created from the Import Journal, the invoices will be ready to be approved/handled in ExFlow Web for current approvers.

ExFlow Web - Inbox

Click on the invoice to approve to open document with information about the invoice lines and image. It is possible to have the list expanded automatically.

ExFlow Web - Document

Depending on the permission role on ExFlow User in Business Central, the user may adjust the line regarding dimensions, change Account etc.

In this case, the user just approves all lines on this invoice by clicking "Approve" button.

ExFlow Web - Document

After approval, the invoice will be moved to the Box called "Recent" and Approval Status in Business Central will be updated. Invoice is also sent to the next approver if such exists.

ExFlow Web - Recent

Status is now updated in the "ExFlow Approval Status" page.

ExFlow Approval Status

The Invoice Status is now waiting to be updated to "Ready for Posting". By using the function "Verify Changes" the administrator updates the "Status" of the invoice and approves the changes done on lines.

ExFlow Approval Status

The next step is to post the Invoice by using function "Post" or "Post Batch". There is also a function for Preview Posting.

Go to: Actions --> Posting --> Post / Preview Posting / Post Batch...

ExFlow Approval Status