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Email Reminders

To be able to send emails to ExFlow Users there are some settings needed.
Job Queue Entry setup should only be done in Default Company

Inbox Reminder

To send reminders that ExFlow Users have documents to approve, following setup is needed in all companies.

Inbox Reminder
Email AccountAdd Email Account Setup in all companies
ExFlow Email SetupEmail Type Inbox Reminder. in all companies
Read more under section ExFlow Email Setup - Inbox Reminder
ExFlow UsersActivate for Email Reminder --> Unapproved Documents.
Read more under section ExFlow Users for setup.
Job Queue EntryCode Unit 12057077 and Parameter String INBOX REMINDER in default company
Selected DocumentsApproval Status, select one or several documents and use function Send Reminder
Selected ApproversExFlow Users, select one or several users and use function Send Reminder

Comments Notification / Discussion Panel / Chat

To send an email when an ExFlow Users is mentioned by using @ and "ExFlow User Code", it is possible to send email to the tagged Approver, but then following setup is required in Default Company.

Comments Notification
Email AccountAdd Email Account Setup in default company
ExFlow Email SetupEmail Type Comment Notification in default company.
Read more under section ExFlow Email Setup --> Comment Notification - Chat
ExFlow UsersActivate for Email Reminder --> Discussion Panel
Read more under section ExFlow Users for setup
Job Queue EntryCode Unit 12057077 and Parameter String COMMENT NOTIFICATION in default company

Unreceived Order

To send reminder when receipt is missing on order related invoice. Then following setup is needed in all companies.

Unreceived Order
Email AccountAdd Email Account Setup in all companies
ExFlow Email SetupEmail Type UNRECEIVED ORDER in all companies
Read more under section ExFlow Email Setup --> Unreceived Order
ExFlow UsersConnect ExFlow User to a Purchaser Code
This is done on ExFlow Users --> Permissions and per company.
Read more under section ExFlow Users for setup
Import JournalInvoice needs to have Boolean ticked in Matched Against Purchase Order
Add Order No. in header or on lines if using line interpretation
Job Queue EntryCode Unit 12057077 and Parameter String UNRECEIVED ORDER in default company
Send Reminders ManuallyUse function under Import Journal --> Actions --> Email
Selected DocumentsSelect documents in Import Journal and go to Import Journal --> Actions --> Email
Read more under section Import Journal

Contract Reminder

To send a reminder that contract expires, then following setup is needed only in default company.

Contract Reminder
Email AccountAdd Email Account Setup in all companies
ExFlow Email SetupEmail Type Contract Reminder in all companies
Read more under section ExFlow Email Setup --> Contract Reminder
ExFlow ContractAdd Approval Group in Contract --> Contract Reminder --> User to Remind
Add Contract Reminder Period when to send reminder (-1M reminder will be sent 1 month before Valid to Date under General Terms)
Read more under section Contracts for setup.
Job Queue EntryCode Unit 12057077 and Parameter String CONTRACT REMINDER in default company
This job will only send one reminder per contract

OMNI Reminder

OMNI Approval is a function to approve approval rules and contracts. When a new rule or contract is created or changed it might have to be approved. Read more under section OMNI Approval

OMNI Reminder
Email AccountAdd Email Account Setup in all companies
ExFlow Email SetupEmail Type OMNI Approval in all companies
Read more under section Email Setup - OMNI Approval
Job Queue EntryCode Unit 12057077 and Parameter String OMNI REMINDER in default company

Rejected Order, Rejected Quote, Rejected Invoice/Credit Memo

To send an email when a document is rejected, following setup is needed:

Rejected Documents
Email AccountAdd Email Account Setup in all companies
ExFlow Email SetupEmail Type Rejected Order, Rejected Quote, or/and Rejected Invoice/Credit Memo in all companies
Read more under section Email Setup - Rejected Order, Rejected Quotes or/and Rejected Invoice/Credit
Approval StatusDocuments need to have status rejected and all lines need to be handled before the document status will be updated
Job Queue EntryCode Unit 12057077 and Parameter String REJECTED ORDER
Code Unit 12057077 and Parameter String REJECTED QUOTE
Code Unit 12057077 and Parameter String REJECTED INVOICE
Add Job Queue Entry only in default company
The job will send one email per document.

Contract Invoice Reminder

To send reminders if a contract is missing expected invoices, following setup is needed:

Contract Invoice Reminder
Email AccountAdd Email Account Setup in all companies
ExFlow Email SetupEmail Type Contract Invoice Reminder in all companies
Read more under section Email Setup --> Contract Invoice Reminder
ExFlow ContractAdd invoice periods and active for Invoice Reminders
Job Queue EntryCode Unit 12057077 and Parameter String CONTRACT INVOICE REMINDER in default company
The job will send one reminder per contract invoice period
Manually per ContractGo to selected Contract Card --> Related --> Show Missing Contract Invoices
In new page Actions --> Send Contract Reminder
Manually for all ContractsGo to Contracts list --> Related --> Show Missing Contract Invoices
In new page Actions --> Send Contract Reminder
List will show all expected reminders but only send reminders if Invoice Reminder is active

Unreceived Order - Approved

If matching invoices to Order then Receipt, the invoice can be matched to order, sent for- and approved without order receipt. But the invoice cannot be posted. In this case an email reminder for missing receipts can be sent.

To send this reminder setup is needed:

Unreceived Order - Approved
Email AccountAdd Email Account Setup in all companies
ExFlow Email SetupEmail Type Unreceived Order - Approved in all companies
Read more under section Email Setup --> Unreceived Order - Approved
Approval StatusInvoices need to have status approved and matched to order without posted receipt
Job Queue EntryCode Unit 12057077 and Parameter String UNRECEIVEDORDERAPPROVED
In default company
Manually from Approval StatusSelect invoices and Related --> Approval Status --> Send Unreceived Order Notification