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Notifications in Business Central

If the ExFlow User is a System User (associated to User in Business Central) then Notifications in Business Central can be activated.
Read more under section ExFlow Users for setup.

There are four kinds of notification messages. Unapproved documents in active company, unapproved documents in other companies, unread comments and missing invoices for contract periods.

Documents for Approval

If the user has documents to approve in the current company, then click on the link "Approve the documents":

ExFlow Notification

This will open a new page where the user will be able to approve the documents in the current company.

If the user has documents to approve in any other companies, then click on the link "Approve the documents":

ExFlow Notification

This will present the user with a list, similar to the following:

ExFlow Unapproved Documents Per Company

Click on the number to the right to open a new page where the user will be able to approve the documents in the selected company.

Read more about this under section Approval in Business Central.

Discussion Panel / Chat and Line Comments

Discussion Panel can be found in FactBox in "Import Journal", "Approval Status", "Approval Status History" and "Deleted Documents" in Business Central.

On ExFlow Web it is called Chat.

Comments written in Discussion Panel in Business Central or in Chat on ExFlow web will appear on both places on the document.

Use @ and "ExFlow User Code" to tag an approver. The Approver will automatically get access to this document even if the Approver is not included in approval flow. To be able to tag an Approver on a document, the approver needs access to the company document is created for, in ExFlow User Permissions.

It is possible to send notification and/or email to the tagged Approver, but then some setup is required.

For an ExFlow User (connected to a "System User") Notifications can be activated in Business Central. Read more under section ExFlow Users for setup.

If the user has comments to read in the current company, then click on the link "Read comment"

ExFlow Notifications

ExFlow Notifications

If the user has comments to read in other companies, then clicking on the link "Read comment":

ExFlow Notifications - Comments in other companies

This link will present the user with a list similar to the following:

Clicking on the number in the right-hand column will open a new page where the user will be able to read comments in the selected company.

Chat Notification History

Go to: ExFlow --> History --> ExFlow Chat Notification History

An ExFlow User can view ExFlow Chat Notifications the user has been tagged in for the last 90 days.

Double click on the message or "Show Document" to view wright a new message on the same document.

In "Chat Notification List" all new unread messages will show in Bold text.

Company: The company the document is created in where user is mentions.

Description: Type of document and document No.

Comment made by: Who wrote the comment.

Vendor No: Pay-To-Vendor No for the document.

Note: Preview. Open document to read the whole message.

Last Notification Date: Date when user was last mentioned on the document.

ExFlow Chat Notification List

Screenshot -- ExFlow Chat Notification List

Show Document: Open Document to read whole message and to send a message.

Show Unread: Show only messages that is unread.

Show All: Show all messaged for the last 60 days.

Reload List: Reload to view new messages.

Open in Excel: Sent list to Excel.

ExFlow Chat Notification List

All messages from Chat will show in Discussion Panel FactBox.

ExFlow Approval Status Card

On ExFlow Web in inbox document line @ is highlighted on unread message if the Approver is mentioned on the document. Click on the document to open, read, and write comments.

ExFlow Web - Inbox

All messages will also display in Inbox even if the Approver is not included in approval flow.

Click the link to open document, read and write comments.

ExFlow Web - Inbox

On the document the bubble is red if there are any unread messages.

ExFlow Web - Document Chat

ExFlow Web - Document Chat

Import Journal - Discussion Panel (Message will be sent when document is created)

When adding a comment in Discussion Panel on a document in Import Journal and click "SEND" the comment can be seen in FactBox to the right marked with creating Users ID, Date and Time.

If a User is mentioned by using @, a message, email or Notification in Business Central, can be sent to ExFlow Users that is associated with a Business Central User.
Read more under section ExFlow Users

For ExFlow Users that is not associated with a Business Central User the email will be sent when the document is created. This is due to that ExFlow Web Users cannot see this documents or comments in Import Journal.

ExFlow Import Journal - Discussion Panel

Approval Status - Discussion Panel

When adding a comment in Discussion Panel from Approval Status and click "SEND" the comment can be seen in FactBox to the right marked with creating Users ID, Date and Time. On ExFlow Web it will display in Chat on the Document.

If a User is mentioned by using @ the User will be able to see this document and comment on ExFlow Web even if the User is not in the approval flow. A message can also be sent by email.

Discussion Panel

To send email messages from Discussion Panel some setup is required in ExFlow Email Setup and Job Queue Entries.

Deleted Documents - Discussion Panel

Message created before document is deleted will be saved on document in ExFlow Deleted Documents.

There is no possibility to add message from Deleted Documents due to that Deleted Documents cannot be seen on ExFlow Web.

Settings on ExFlow User

On ExFlow User Card there are some settings that are used for both ExFlow Reminders and ExFlow Comments.

Email: Enter Email address

Language Code: In what language email will be sent.

Preferred Approval Client: Select environment for settings in links sent in emails for both Messages and Reminders.

ExFlow User Card

Comment on Line Level

A Comment can be made on a line level on ExFlow Web, however the comment will not appear in Discussion Panel in Business Central or in Chat on ExFlow Web. Only on the line where the comment is added.

ExFlow Web - Document Line Comment

The comment will be found on Doc. Line Approvers in Business Central.

ExFlow Approval Status - Document Lines