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View and edit imported invoices

This form shows the selected invoice image to view or edit with "side by side" mode activated.

Use this form to view and edit the data for the imported invoice, to edit you must have "taken" the invoice by pressing the "Take" button.

When you have reviewed all the required information, you can validate the data by selecting the "Validate" button or post the invoice for invoice registration by selecting the "Post" button and the invoice is then accessible in the ExFlow document form and sent out for the approval process.

  • Select the Edit button.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with low confidence

Buttons (Action pane)
SaveSave the data entered in the form.
DeleteDelete the selected invoice.
ArrowsToggle between ‘taken’ invoices.
DeleteDelete the selected invoice.
General/TakeChange the field ‘User id’ to the current user and allow the current user to edit the invoice. The reverse button is ‘Release’.
General/ReleaseThis button releases the User id for an invoice and changes the field to blank. The reverse button is "Take".
General/On holdStop the invoice from posting to the General ledger. In the grid the column "On hold" is ticked. The reverse button is "Un-hold".
General/UnholdThis button releases the invoice to be included in posting. The reverse button is "On hold".
General/PostThis function will post the invoices into the Dynamics 365 invoice pool, ExFlow ‘Document’ form and send the invoice to the first approver in the approval route. This also executes the ‘Validate’ function.
General/ValidateThis function validates that all information is correct on the invoice. It validates against the ExFlow setup and standard Dynamics 365 Invoice register journal rules.
General/Simulate postingsThis function validates in the same manner as an actual posting does, but nothing is posted.
General/AccountIf required, set the financial dimensions for the invoice at invoice registration stage.
General/Sales taxThis button opens the standard Dynamics 365 form "Sales tax transactions". Use this form to view and modify the expected sales tax transactions that have been calculated, as well as the actual sales tax amount. Typically, this form is used for review only, not edited.
General/Use scannedUse the scanned sales tax amount and copy the amount to the ‘Actual sales tax’ field. This may be used if the sales tax has been accidentally deleted.
General/Breakdown of voucherThis function gives the user to breakdown a voucher and split the invoice register posting into different lines with different tax settings. There is also an extra function that gives the user the option to automatically create the ExFlow lines based on the lines split in Breakdown of voucher.
General/Retrieve product receiptsIf the item lines on the invoice are not imported, you can retrieve these items from the receipt of the purchase order items instead. This are often used when one invoice corresponds to a receipt, and only header level matching is required.
General/Retrieve purchase ordersIf the item lines on the invoice are not imported, you can retrieve these items from the purchase order instead, if only header level matching is required.
General/Retrive product receipts (advanced filters)If the item lines on the invoice are not imported, you can retrieve with more advanced filters these items from the receipt of the purchase order items instead.
General/Retrieve purchase orders (advanced filters)If the item lines on the invoice are not imported, you can with more advanced filters retrieve these items from the purchase order instead, if only header level matching is required.
General/Add penny differenceAdd a penny difference row for purchase order invoices. This will automatically add the difference between the sum of all lines and the net sum of the header.
General/Allocate difference amountUsed to manually trigger amount difference allocation between header and lines.
General/Invoice MatchingUse to manually run invoice matching, for example against agreements or if a purchase order has been delivered after it has been posted from the ExFlow Import form. This function will rematch the invoice against the purchase order and attempt a full match.
General/Rretrive from freight bill
General/import from fileTo import coding from the generated Excel or CSV file.
General/Show invoiceOpen a preview window with the attached image file (invoice).
Manage/Journal DescriptionsDisplays the journal.
Manage/Set override approvalThis function lets the clerk to override the approval of an invoice meaning even due an approval route is specified the system will set the invoice to approved automatically with an admin comment that informs the user that an override has been made.
Please note: This functionality is for security reasons switched off from start. The functionality is controlled by the menu item button EXF_maSetOverrideApproval and is not connected to a privilege. This must be setup by an administrator and for example added to the role ExFlow_purchasePayableAdmin for a user that is not system administrator to access this function.
Manage/Run Action workflowTriggers the actions workflow manually.
Manage/VoucherDisplays the voucher.
Manage/Sales tax totalsDisplays the Sales tax totals form.
Manage/Budget check errors or warningsDisplays the standard ‘budget check’ errors or warnings form.
Manage/AttributesShows the attributes form
Manage/TimelineShows the invoice timeline of the events that has been registered
Manage/Reference personOpens the Reference form.
Manage/Pre-accountingApplies the pre-accounting values if they exist and match the criteria.
Manage/Manual pre-accountingOpens the pre-accounting form and lets the user apply a different pre-accounting rule.
Manage/Get invoice codingActive when using Automatic invoice coding, This is a quick way to get same result as in the import. It is the same rules as when import with priority 1 and 100%, it is the same code in the background. Only enable if suggestion exists for the invoice.
Manage/Select invoice codingActive when using Automatic invoice coding, If user wants to use another Ledger account than priority 1, it can be done in this form. By selecting one or more lines, import lines will be created using data from the suggested line/lines. This button is always enabled so the user can see the criteria the suggestions is based on, this can be useful even if there is no suggestion.​​
Manage/View automatic codingActive when using Automatic invoice coding, Invoice coding suggestions when importing or selected by user. Reselect will delete old data if "Get invoice coding" or "Select invoice coding – (Replace)" is used. If OK is pressed in selection form, the lines will be inserted in the suggestions
OverviewShow more fields from the Invoice header and no fields from the lines.
GeneralShow fields related to the lines and a limited number of header fields.
Buttons (Lower pane), Import lines (Line view)
Add lineAdd a new line.
RemoveRemove the selected line.
Refresh line VATIs used to update the calculated VAT on line level if changes has been to the invoice.
Suggest approversCreate approval route/s based on the current setup of "Approval and validation rules". Note that this is typically automatically done upon import.
Suggest approvers – all linesCreate approval route/s based on the current setup of "Approval and validation rules" for all the lines on the invoice. Note that this is typically automatically done upon import.
Toggle "Keep approval chain"Toggle "Keep approval chain" lets the accounts payable personal working in ExFlow import or document form to overrule the automatic supplied approval rules and set manual approvers without them being changed even due for example the dimension values are updated.
Please note: This functionality is for security reasons switched off from start. The functionality is controlled by the menu item button EXF_maKeepApprovalChain and is connected to the privilege EXF_pPurchasePayableAdmin which in its turn is connected to the role ExFlow_purchasePayableAdmin.
From start the permission for this object is set to Deny. To give all ExFlow purchase payable admin access to this functionality a security administrator needs to set the permission to Grant for all access levels for this object in the EXF_pPurchasePayableAdmin. It is also possible to grant access for just certain purchase payable admin, please contact your security administrator or SignUp for more information how to achieve this.
Suggest approvers with loggingThis functionality is valid when you work with advanced workflow as an approval method. If choosing to use this way to suggest approvers a new window opens with details on how the chain of approvers where set by the advanced workflow. For more information see the description at the end of this section.
Add approver
(Tab Approvers)
Insert a new line and select an approver.
(Tab Approvers)
Delete the selected approver.
Get approvers from auto coding
(Tab Approvers)
To get approvers from auto coding.
Fields (Upper pane), Import header (Line view)
Vendor accountSelect or displays the Vendor.
Vendor nameDisplays the vendor name.
InvoiceDisplays the invoice number.
VoucherVoucher numbers created by standard Dynamics 365.
Posting profileThe posting profile to be used on this invoice.
Terms of paymentDisplays the terms of paymet set on the vendor account.
Tax exempt numberDisplays the tax exempt number set on the vendor account.
Approved byThis is the standard Dynamics 365 field and will be used in Invoice registration and the final approval journal.
Posting dateDate when the invoice is posted.
Invoice dateInvoice date, this may override the posting date, according to standard Dynamics 365 rules e.g., Calculation of due date.
Due dateDate from scanned invoice or the Vendor setup depending on the setting in ExFlow parameters – Import tab.
Invoice amountThe invoice gross amount is shown. Credit invoice displays a minus (-) sign.
CurrencyThe invoice currency code. If the value is blank when the invoice is imported, ExFlow will first pick the currency on the vendor and as a second alternative from the legal entity.
Net amount"Invoice amount" minus "Actual sales tax amount". If the actual amount is zero (0) the "Calculated sales tax amount" is used instead.
The sum of all line amounts must be equal to the "Net amount".
Line amountDisplays the line total amount.
BalanceThe balance must be zero (0), otherwise the net amount and line amount differ. If not zero, you need to enter a correction of the line values or invoice/sales tax value.
Calculated sales tax amountThe sales tax amount based on the calculation from "Sales tax group" (Vendor) and "Item sales tax group" (Item).
Actual sales tax amountThe sales tax amount captured from the invoice. If greater than zero (0) it will override "Calculated sales tax amount".
Sales tax groupOne of two values to calculate "Calculated sales tax amount". The value is captured from the Vendor and sales tax set up.
Item sales tax groupThe second parameter to calculate the "Calculated sales tax amount" field. This value is captured from the item, otherwise from the ExFlow setup parameter.
Use taxThis checkbox will be ticked if the AX Sales tax configuration includes "Use tax" for the chosen Sales tax group/Item sales tax groups. All amounts be without tax (gross amount). This is used when the Sales tax is only used for statistical purpose, e.g., EU-VAT.
Reverse chargeThis checkbox will be ticked if the D355FO Sales tax configuration includes "Reverse charge" for the chosen Sales tax group/Item sales tax groups. All amounts be without tax (gross amount).
Override purchase taxThis option is only visible if the invoice is a purchase order invoice. If set to yes, the tax from the invoice will be used in the final posting instead of the tax setup on the purchase order.
Date of VAT registerThis field is only used if the Polish localization is switched on in ExFlow configuration form.
Service tariff numberThis field is only used if the Eastern Europe localization is switched on in ExFlow configuration form.
Purchase orderIf the Purchase order number is captured from the invoice, it is shown in this field.
Project idIf the Project id is captured from the invoice, it is shown in this field.
ReferenceThe captured Reference field on the invoice. If "Reference" is set up in the Reference setup table, that value is shown.
Vendor reference
Payment idPayment id information that is captured from the invoice.
PO requiredThis function indicates if the setting PO required is set for a unique vendor, then this field indicates that there has to be a purchase order number in combination with item lines.
Account identificationIf the third-party bank account is imported from the OCR file it will be populated in this field, it can also be changed to another value from the bank account list set for this vendor.
Agreement numberDisplay’s the value imported from the OCR file if it contains a reference to an agreement (field Misc 6 is used for this in the file).
DescriptionThis is the description that will be populated on the posted rows in the journal. By default, ExFlow always sets the vendor’s name.
Override approvalIndicates if the function override approval is used for the current invoice (see more details in button section above Manage/Set override approval).
Override approval set byIn this field the username of the person that set the invoice to "Override approval" is stored.
Send emailWhen set to "Yes" an email will be sent to the first approver (status "Current") when the invoice is registered. This can be set manually or via batch. (See more details
ConfidentialIf an invoice should be handled as confidential meaning it can only be view by approvers that has those specific permissions. It is not allowed to change approver on this invoice when it is sent out for approval. It cannot for example be displayed in Power BI etc. See separate white paper that can be retained from Signup Software AB.
Method of paymentUsed for payment method
Payment specificationUsed for payment specification
Reference paymentUsed for payment reference
Bank account numberThe bank account number that will be used when paying the vendor invoice
Central bank purpose codeUsed to classify payments
Invoice typeUsed to classify invoices.
Receive document dateThis field is only used if the Eastern Europe localization is switched on in ExFlow configuration form.
Prepaid invoiceIf this invoice is used with prepayment.
Fields (Lower pane), Import lines (Line view)
Line typeShows the line type.
Ledger: Line with General ledger accounting only.
Item: Line with stocked items and linked to a purchase order
Charges: Charges that are added to an invoice.
Project: Line related to the Project module with a project id.
Asset: Line related to the Fixed assets module with an asset id.
Procurement: Line that defines the Procurement category.
Customer: Line that defines the customer.
Landed cost: Line that defines the Landed cost.
Purchase quantityDisplays the purchase quantity.
Purchase priceDisplays the unit price
AmountDisplays the amount.
Purchase orderDisplays the purchase order number.
Charges codeDisplays the charges code if the line type is set to ‘Charges’.
DescriptionDescription for the line.
Lot IDThe received Purchase Order lines number that the invoice line is matched against.
Item numberThe D365 F&O item number.
NameThe D365 F&O item name.
Product nameThe D365 F&O product name.
Procurement categoryThe Procurement category.
Vendor item numberThe External vendor’s item number.
Vendor item descriptionThe External vendor’s item name.
Purchase quantityThe line’s quantity. For expense invoice the default value is 1.
Purchase priceThe invoice line’s unit price.
AmountThe line sum.
Calculated net amount/amount originCalculated net amount per line.
Calculated sales tax amountCalculated sales tax amount.
Sales tax codeDisplay’s the tax code based on the tax combination per line.
PercentCalculated tax displayed in percentage per line.
Non-deductible %Display’s nondeductible VAT in percentage.
DiscountDiscount in percentage.
Line DiscountDiscount amount.
UnitUnit of measure.
Tax exempt numberTax exempt number from the purchase order
Fields (Lower pane), Line details (Line view), Tab Dimensions
AccountEnter or select the accounting dimensions values.
Alt + Up arrow: Displays the account structure’s dimensions.
Alt + Down arrow: Displays the current dimension’s values.
Financials dimensionsDisplays the selected dimension values.
Other dimensionsDisplays the non-financial dimensions which apply to the selected line type (Ledger, Asset etc.).
UnitUnit of measure.
Below fields for Procurement type lines only:
Procurement categorySelection of the Procurement category.
Below fields for Landed cost type lines only:
VoyageVoyage ID
Cost type codeCost type code.
Below fields for Project type lines only:
Sales currencySales currency
Sales priceSales price
Project dateProject date
Project sales tax groupProject sales tax group
Project Item sales tax groupProject Item sales tax group
Fields (Lower pane), Line details (Line view), Tab Approvers
Is roleTicked when a Role is selected in the field User/Role.
User/roleSelect a User or a Role to approve this invoice line. A Role is a predefined group of users where any one of them can approve the invoice line.