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Invoice History

ExFlow | Inquiries and reports | Import history

The ExFlow Import history displays all imported invoices even before they are imported to the ExFlow Import form. This form is not used in the daily business process, however if the client would like to see the original XML file or import an invoice again, this form can be used. When an invoice is imported to the ExFlow Import form, the check box 'Processed' is ticked. If an invoice needs to be imported again the 'Processed' checkbox will be unticked, and the next time the scanned invoices import is run the invoice will appear again in the ExFlow Import form.

If a manual invoice only containing a PDF image without any interpreted data needs to be imported, it can be done from this form.

Pushing the button 'Create invoice' in the header menu and it is possible to attach a PDF file via the standard process to each line. When the Import/Scanned Invoices is run, the invoice will appear in the ExFlow Import form. The clerk handling the invoices will need to manually choose a Vendor, add the invoice number, and set amounts etc.

  • Displays all imported invoices even before they are imported to the ExFlow Import form.
  • Not used in the daily business process but allows you to see the original XML file or import an invoice again.
  • Create invoices manually
  • Reprocess test invoices

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Buttons (Action pane)
SaveSave the changes made on this form.
EditOpen the form in Edit-mode.
Create invoiceCreates a blank invoice row and a manual PDF file which can be saved as an attachment.
Show XMLDisplays the imported XML file (if used).
Show InvoiceDisplays the connected PDF invoice.
Buttons (Upper pane)
Show unprocessedSwitch to 'Yes' if already imported invoices to ExFlow Import form should be visible in the grid.
Show all companiesSwitch to 'Yes' if invoices from all companies should be visible in the grid.
Fields (Upper pane)
Batch numberBatch number
Credit0= invoice, Blank=Credit note
Payment IDPayment id interpreted on invoice
Payment accountPay-to-account if interpreted on invoice
Project IDProject id if interpreted on invoice
ProcessedUnticked=Not imported to Import form
Ticked=Not yet imported to Import form
Company IDWhich entity the invoice belongs to
Vendor account numberVendor account number
Vendor account number 1Vendor information interpreted in order to identify vendor
Vendor account number 2Vendor information interpreted in order to identify vendor
Vendor account number 3Vendor information interpreted in order to identify vendor
Vendor account number 4Vendor information interpreted in order to identify vendor
Vendor account number 5Vendor information interpreted in order to identify vendor
Invoice numberVendor invoice number
Image nameName of invoice image
Amount incl VATInterpreted amount incl VAT
VAT amountInterpreted VAT amount
Currency codeInterpreted currency code
Due dateInterpreted Due date
Posting datePosting date
ReferenceInterpreted reference
Scanning dateDate of scanning
Scanning timeTime of scanning
Message ID
Purchase orderInterpreted PO number on invoice header
Charge 1 from invoiceInterpreted charge from invoice according to setup
Charge 2 from invoiceInterpreted charge from invoice according to setup
Charge 3 from invoiceInterpreted charge from invoice according to setup
Charge 4 from invoiceInterpreted charge from invoice according to setup
Charge 5 from invoiceInterpreted charge from invoice according to setup
Created date and timeDate of creation
Import sourceIf invoice has been imported through API, SFTP or others
Agreement numberAgreement number
Misc field 7Interpreted value if Misc field is being used
Misc field 8Interpreted value if Misc field is being used
Misc field 9Interpreted value if Misc field is being used
Misc field 10Interpreted value if Misc field is being used
Vendor codeVendor code, if interpreted on invoice
External vendor idExternal vendor id number, if used. Together with above Vendor code
Import methodImport method used
Date of VAT registerIf applicable, the date to be used for VAT register
Sales tax groupItem sales tax group that is coming from the invoice.
Item sales tax groupItem sales tax group that is coming from the invoice.
UUIDSpecific for Mexico – please see white paper on Mexico localization
SeriesSpecific for Mexico – please see white paper on Mexico localization
Type of operationSpecific for Mexico – please see white paper on Mexico localization
Fields (Lower pane)
Purchase orderPurchase order number interpreted on the line
Project number rowProject number interpreted
Item numberItem number interpreted
DescriptionDescription for item number if interpreted
QuantityInterpreted quantity
UnitInterpreted unit of measure
Purchase priceInterpret unit price
Line discountInterpreted line discount
Line discount amountInterpreted line discount amount
Line amountInterpreted total line amount
Reference IDInterpreted reference ID
Misc field 1Interpreted value for Misc field, if set up
Misc field 2Interpreted value for Misc field, if set up
Misc field 3Interpreted value for Misc field, if set up
Misc field 4Interpreted value for Misc field, if set up
Misc field 5Interpreted value for Misc field, if set up
Misc field 6Interpreted value for Misc field, if set up
Misc field 7Interpreted value for Misc field, if set up
Misc field 8Interpreted value for Misc field, if set up
Misc field 9Interpreted value for Misc field, if set up
Misc field 10Interpreted value for Misc field, if set up
ReferenceInterpreted reference
VoyageLanded cost - for line type procurement