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Suggest approvers with logging

When running "Suggest approvers with logging" below form opens.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

Fields (Upper pane) - Steps
Assignment typeWhat assignment type is the value retrieved from
Participant tokenType of step in the workflow i.e., Condition, Reference, Previous approver
StepID number
Step hitIf the condition is true= "Hit" or false= "No hit"
ApproverWhich approver has been selected by the advanced workflow
Step nameName of the step in the advanced workflow
Workflow conditionWhat condition has been executed, or if set in the workflow, "Always run this step"
Condition is trueIf the condition is true or not
Hierarchy nameName of position hierarchy that has been used
HierarchyWhich advanced workflow hierarchy has been used
Workflow starting pointThe first approver chosen in the workflow
Workflow hierarchy stop condition identityWhat stop condition has been used
Policy nameName of signing limit policy
Approval authority basisBased on what authority has the approval been set
Invoice amountAmount on the invoice
Line amountAmount on the line

The lower pane is only valid for position hierarchy.

Fields (Lower pane) - Details
ApproverName of the approver
PositionNumber of the approver's position
DescriptionDescription for position
ParentParent for position
DescriptionDescription parent's position
Signing limit in currencySigning limit in currency
Limit currencyLimit currency
Default signing limitDefault signing limit
Accounting currencyAccount currency in company
LevelDisplays what level you have "hit". Is used for stopping condition "Manager level"