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Common issues - Import form

Q: Vendor is not found

  • Check Identification rules (validation message) to find out what data is missing.
  • Add manually OR delete the invoice and import again.

Q: Wrong due date

  • Change manually.

Q: Duplicate invoice

  • Delete the invoice if already processed.
  • Change invoice number by adding -1 as suffix if invoice is not processed.

Q: Approvers not found

  • Add approvers manually.
  • Contact TBD to change approval workflow.

Q :Approvers not found error

  • Check if approver is an ExFlow user, Check if user is connected to a person (System adm), Check security role (system adm), Check worker.

Q: Error on post

  • At least two approver is needed on an invoice line – add approver.
  • The header is not in balance with the lines – make sure that the lines sums up.

Common issues - Document form

Q: Invoices are not found in Document form

  • Set filter to include invoices with missing approvers.

Q: Approvers is missing or wrong status

  • Restart the approval flow.
  • Add approvers manually or suggest approvers.

Q: Invoice status is not Approved

  • All lines needs to be approved.

Q: Cannot cancel an invoice Make sure that at least one invoice line has the status “Rejected”.

Common issues - ExFlow web

Q: Approver is signed out directly when logging in

  • Approver is not setup as an ExFlow user - add in ExFlow user setup.
  • Approver is not connected to ExFlow web user role – change in Std D365 user setup.

Q: Error message on Reject

  • A comment is needed (minimum two words).

Q: Error message on Approve

  • Account structure validation issue – check rules in Std D365.
  • Dimension ranges issue – check rules in ExFlow.

Q: Cannot change coding

  • Approver is not a Power user – change in ExFlow user setup.
  • Configuration in ExFlow is wrong – check with system administrator.