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ExFlow Web

Interested to read and learn everything about ExFlow web?

All necessary information about ExFlow Web can be found here!

Edit Web Columns in Business Central

Use the function Edit Web Columns to manage ExFlow Web Columns.

Go to ExFlow Setup --> Edit Web Columns

Edit Web Columns
Add ColumnAdd a new column to ExFlow Web
Modify ColumnUpdate a current ExFlow Web column
ExFlow ColumnsHandle ExFlow Web column changes

ExFlow Setup

Web Columns that exist and are visible on ExFlow web, have both the ‘’Current Visibility’’ box and ‘’Exist’’- box ticked.

If a column needs to be added for the web approvers, then simply stand on the selected web column code and then click on ''Add Column''.

It’s possible to hide an existing web column on ExFlow Web by choosing ‘’Hidden’’ and then click on ‘’Modify Column’’. In this example, the ‘’Current Visibility’’ -box for the ‘’Job Task’’- column will then be unticked.

ExFlow Setup

ExFlow Columns

Go to ExFlow Setup --> Edit Web Columns --> ExFlow Columns

ExFlow Setup

Open ExFlow Columns and edit the list to if any changes needs to be made on the columns.

ExFlow Setup

ExFlow Columns
IDSpecifies column ID.
CodeSpecifies the Code
DimensionA dimension from General Ledger Setup can be added as ExFlow web column.
SourceCopy of Code value.
FormatThe format that the value and description is sent to ExFlow web.
Use Auto CompletionTicked box takes specified Data Type. Unticked box = free text like a description.
Sort OrderSort order on all web columns (except on LineTypes).
Document Display ExprCan determine if column should be usable for certain document types.
Line Display ExprLets ExFlow web know it is a line type and which line type it is.
Data TypeIf it should be a date or decimal displayed in ExFlow web then this needs to have a value (Description has ‘’system.String’’).
Is Autofill TriggerSelect if i.e., a selected account should send updates of dimension values from standard Business Central account settings (Default BC). It can also be set to ‘’Inactive’’ and ‘’Customized’’.
Copy value when splitting the lineSpecifies if values should be copied when splitting a line.
Update VAT Prod. Posting Group From No.Specifies if VAT Prod Posting Group should be taken from the No. card.
Update Gen. Prod. Posting Group From No.Specifies if Gen. Prod Posting Group should be taken from the No. card.
Lock ColumnSpecifies if values should be locked and not editable.
Number of Values to SendUsed to improve performance. If selected as 100 then ExFlow will only send the first 100 values according to current filter.