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ExFlow Permissions

User level permission

UP_Allow_EditEnables the user to edit lines where he/she is current approver
UP_Allow_SplitEnables the user to split lines. See also the LineType structure and its expression rules
Up_Allow_View_AllEnables the user to search other users documents
UP_Allow_Public_TemplatesEnables the user to mark Line templates as public
UP_Allow_Add_ApproverEnables the user to add new approvers
UP_Allow_Set_ReplacerEnables the possibility to add a replacer
UP_Deny_TemplatesDisables the Line temp late feature
UP_Deny_FeedbackDisables the feedback button (preview)
UP_Deny_ForwardDisables line and document forwarding
UP_Deny_Forward_Unless_FirstDisables line and document forwarding if not the first approver
UP_Deny_Show_ReplacerHides replacer information
UP_Deny_Inbox_Field_SelectionDisables the user to change inbox columns
UP_Deny_User_PrefDisables the user to override/customize options
UP_Deny_Line_menuHides the menu on the lines
UP_Deny_SaveDisables the Save button
UP_Deny_ValidateDisables the Validate button
UP_Deny_HoldDisables the Hold button

NOTE! User level permissions is case sensitive

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