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Workflow for agreement approval

ExFlow | Setup | Workflows | Workflows

  • Select "New" and choose workflow type "ExFlow workflow for agreement approval.
  • Select Workflow – Hierarchy – Associate hierarchy and select the hierarchy that agreements workflow shall use.
  • Select OK

Select New Workflow

Select ´New´ and choose workflow type ´ExFlow workflow for agreement approval´.

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Build the Workflow

ExFlow | Setup | Workflows | Workflows

Below example are setup for an approval flow:
Responsible person – Manager for the responsible person – Automatically activate the agreement after approval.

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Step 1: Responsible person
Basic settings: Enter name, subject and instructions.
Assignment: Select Participant – tab Role based – Select type as `Agreement workflow participant´ and participant as Responsible person.
Condition: Always run this step.

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Step 2: Manger from position hierarchy
Basic settings: Enter name, subject and instructions.
Assignment: Select Hierarchy – tab Hierarchy selection – Select type ExFlow Agreement hierarchy and start from - Responsible person.
Add stop condition: Where <Employee.Line manager level>=field<Employee.Line manager level>
Condition: Always run this step.

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Limitation: Agreements workflow are not able to take Signing limit in consideration and have not support for std position hierarchy (Line).

Step 3: Activate agreement automatically (Only if needed for customer, agreement can be manually activated)
Basic settings: Enter name, subject and instructions.
Assignment: Select User – tab User – Select a system admin account.

When finished: Select save and close then activate the agreement.

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Other workflow elements

Agreements approval – Used for approval, approved can only approve or reject the agreement.
Agreements approval, editable – Used for approval, approver have right to edit the values in the agreement.

Activate agreement automatically – The agreement is automatically activated after last approval.
Review agreement – User is set as reviewer, can only review, or reject the agreement.
Review agreement (editable) – User is set as reviewer and have right to edit the values in the agreement.

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Associate hierarchy

Select Workflow – Hierarchy – Associate hierarchy and select the hierarchy that agreement shall use

  • select OK.

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