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Agreements overview

ExFlow | Setup | References | Agreements

An agreement can either be used and matched towards a cost invoice based on only header information or if needed based also on a line level. It all depends on how detailed the setup is done for the agreement functionality.

Graphical user interface, table Description automatically generated

FilterSelect filter criteria
Show allShow all agreements regardless of status.
Show active agreementsDisplay’s only active agreements.
From dateFilter agreements on from date.
To dateFilter agreements on to date.
Approval statusThe approval of the actual agreement status (if activated or not).
Buttons (Action pane)
EditEdit the agreements.
NewAdd a new Agreement.
Cross companyShow agreements in cross company view
DeleteDelete the selected Agreement.
AttachmentsView the marked agreements attachments.
WorkflowIf activated - ExFlow workflow for agreement approval.
Inactivate an agreement
This button will be active for agreements that are active and greyed out for agreements that are inactive. It is possible to select one or multiple agreements to inactivate.
Activate an agreement
This button will tick the active box. This will only tick the active check box for approved agreements if the ExFlow agreement workflow is activated, otherwise (No workflow is used) it will be available for all inactive agreements. This button will be active for agreements that are inactive and greyed out for agreements that are active. It is possible to select one or multiple agreements to activate.
Create self-billing invoice
Will only be active if the selected agreement has one and only one attachment of the type "self-billing invoice image". A new invoice will be automatically created with the image and based on the line attached to the main agreement. The invoice will after the creation be ready to be imported in ExFlow import form along with the other vendor invoices.
Extend selected agreement
Extend the selected agreement with a new time period. A new window will open and for date selections.
Copy selected agreement
A new agreement(s) will be created that are copied of the selected agreement(s), but they will not be marked as active.
Agreement history
Display’s the invoice transactions and invoice images posted against the actual Agreement.
View side by side
Display’s a side-by-side view of the documents attached and set as default document
CompanyCompany where the agreement is created, Company Id.
ActiveActive or deactivated the selected Agreement.
SBISelf-billing invoice agreement.
Number sequenceUnique ID for the record in the database.
Approval statusIf an agreement is approved or in draft mode, used if a workflow is attached to approve an agreement before it can be used.
Agreement numberUnique Agreement reference that is compared with the MiscHead6 (Agreement number) field in ExFlow import XML file.
ReferenceIf the Agreement should be validated against an invoice reference to be matched.
Copy Reference at importFill in a value that will be automatically copied to the Reference field in the ExFlow Import form when an Agreement is matched with an invoice.
Vendor accountThe Vendor for which the Agreement should be valid.
NameVendor account name.
Posting proposal id (advanced)Connecting posting proposal to code the invoice matched with the agreement within import.
Start dateStart date from when the agreement should be active, compared with the invoice date.
End dateEnd date when the agreement is no longer valid, compared with the invoice date.
Last invoice dateDisplays the date when the last invoice was matched and posted against an Agreement.
Invoice recurrenceSelect a period Type that determines the frequency of the recurring invoice.
The following recurrences are available:
NoneRecurrence is not set
DailyOnce per day
Bi-DailyOnce every second day
WeeklyOnce every week
Bi-WeeklyOnce every two weeks
MonthlyOnce a month
Bi-MonthlyOnce every two months
QuarterlyOnce every quarter (three months)
Half yearOnce every six months
YearlyOnce a year
E.g, if set to Quarterly, if more than one invoice is received within one quarter, it will be sent out for approval regardless if its matching or not.
Invoice frequencyPeriod length of invoice frequency
The following recurrences are available:
NoneDefault value, frequency is not set
DailyOnce per day
WeeklyOnce every week
MonthlyOnce a month
QuarterlyOnce every quarter (three months)
YearlyOnce a year
Number of invoicesNumber of invoices per specified invoice Frequency period.
Currency codeSelect currency code of the agreement.
Max invoice amountThe maximum invoice amount that is allowed for the Agreement to match
Total invoice amountThe value of the total Agreement.
Amounts include sales taxIf the matching should be based on the gross or net amount.
Sales tax groupSales tax group of the selected vendor, can be changed manually.
Item sales tax groupItem sales tax group defaulted from ExFlow parameters, can be changed manually.
Actual sales tax amountTax amount that can be added to the agreement.
System approved amountSummary of how much has been already spent of the Agreement.
Matched invoice amountSummary of how much has been automatically matched against the Agreement.
Agreement action typeWhat type of action that will take place when an agreement is not within the setup criteria.
Send out for approval – If the invoice matches an agreement but not met the criteria, the invoice will be sent out for approval.
Put on hold - If the invoice matches an agreement but not met the criteria, the invoice will be put in On Hold status.
Manual approval – Although if the invoice matches an agreement and fulfills the criteria, the invoice will be sent out for manual approval.
Approval textDisplays the text that will be saved in the approver’s Comment field when an automatic approval takes place.
Responsible personThe person responsible for the contract.
Index increase percentageUsed to increase an agreement’s amount by percentage when it is duplicated.
DescriptionA field where a description text that can be added that explains what this Agreement is concerning.
Line Buttons
Add lineAdd a new Agreement line.
Delete lineDelete the selected Agreement line.
Copy selected agreementsDuplicates the selected line except the Invoice date. Will copy from the selected agreement line/lines and create new line/lines and leave the dates value blank for the newly created line/lines.
AttachmentsDisplay's the attachment attached against the actual line, used for self-billing invoice.
Line fields
Line numberLine number
AmountUsed either for self-billing or agreement matching on monthly basis.
Tolerance amountTolerance amount between an invoice and an agreement.
Tolerance amount percentageTolerance amount percentage between an invoice and an agreement.
Invoiced amountInvoiced line amount.
Invoice dateExpected invoice date or/and invoice date for the created self-billing invoice.
Terms of paymentConnected to std MSD365 terms of payment functionality.
Payment IDPayment id for the Self-billing invoice, if not want to use the vendor account payment id.
SBI createdWill be ticked if a self-billing document has been created.
Invoice dateThe invoice date on the self- billing invoice, and the invoice is expected to be posted.
Expected dateWhen the invoice is expected to arrive.
Matching error policyWhich matching policy that should be applied.