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Line History

On the line tab, click the Line history button to see information for the marked line. This view will display only actions for one row to be able to follow the changes more easily.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

VoucherDisplays the voucher number.
InvoiceDisplays the invoice number.
Event originFrom where the change has been done.
User IDThe user that has done the change.
CommentDisplays the admin comment from the invoice.
ApproversDisplays the approval chain.
StatusDisplays which status the invoice header has.
ActionAn info message stating what action has been done on the invoice for example "The flow is restarted" or the invoice is coded with line type ledger 6210-ADM-STH.
Log date timeWhen the event occurred.
Line numberWhat line the event occurred on.
OrderDisplays the approver order line the event displays for example approver 1 is always order 10 000.
Action levelIf the information is coming from the Invoice header or Invoice line.