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Progressus is an Add On for extended functionality to Jobs.

ExFlow Setup

In ExFlow Setup, as for PGS Expense Code, Job (Project) and Job Task (Project Task) and under Edit Web Columns in that order.

When adding PGS Expense Code, ExFlow is automatically adding Denying Coding Rules not to use PGS Expense Code on Line Type: Item, Resource, Fixed Assets and Charge (Item).

Also add PGS Expense Payment Type for Purchase Documents under Fast tab Progressus.

ExFlow Setup - Progressus

If possible, add a Default Job Task under Fast tab General. (Read more under Default Job Task No.)

ExFlow Setup - General

ExFlow Denying Coding Rules with Progressus

When adding a Job (Project) on ExFlow Web Approver also needs to add Job Task (Project Task) and PGS Expense Code if missing. Now following Denying Coding Rule can be useful.

A reminder to add Job/Project Task when using Job/Project on ExFlow Web.

ExFlow Denying Coding Rule

A reminder to add PGS Expense Code when using G/L Account and Job/Project on ExFlow Web.

ExFlow Denying Coding Rule

A reminder to add Job/Project when using G/L Account and PGS Expense code on ExFlow Web.

ExFlow Denying Coding Rule

Work with Expense Resource on the document lines in Import Journal

It is also possible to utilize the Expense Resource, Expense Date and Chargeable fields in Import Journal. These fields need to be added manually through personalization.

Chargeable will be updated from the Job Task No.
However, please note that if the Line type is:
Item: then PGS Chargeable will be updated from Item Chargeable.
G/L Account: then PGS Chargeable will be updated from Expense Chargeable.

This can be adjusted manually on the lines.

Moreover, these fields can be found in lines throughout most ExFlow pages: Import Journal, Approval Status, Approval Status History and Deleted Documents.

Additionally, there will be no updating of prices via Progressus. Prices will remain as per interpreted.

ExFlow Purchase Code for Progressus

PSG Expense Code and PSG Payment Type are also available in ExFlow Purchase Code.

Progressus Expense Code on ExFlow Web

Due to Denying Coding Rules the Approver needs to add Job/Project, Job Task/Project Task and PGS Expense Code on ExFlow Web if missing. The G/L Account will be added or updated automatically from Project Expense Posting Setup in Business Central.