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Localization Iceland


ExFlow supports Icelandic language in Business Central.

Payment Reference


Icelandic invoices contain a payment reference that should populate the field "Payment Reference" on the Purchase Invoice Header.

The format of the interpreted payment reference on the invoice needs to be transformed when imported to ExFlow to get the correct format.

The correct format includes in following order:

  • Vendor company registration number

  • Due date

  • Claim number


Input: 4601171350> 0112266+ 03\<032266> 300820+

Output: 4601171350 300820 032266123456




The interpreted payment reference on the invoice must be exported in the XML-tag called "PaymId".

"PaymId" is by default mapped to the field "Vendor document no. 2" in the Import Journal.

The interpreted payment reference must always be the full and complete length.

A transformation rule is used on the Data Exchange Definition to transform the payment reference to the correct format. The logic of the transformation rule is coded to handle incoming format: 4601171350> 0112266+ 03\<032266> 300820+ then create.

outgoing format: 4601171350 300820 032266123456

This logic is triggered by creating a custom transformation code called "ISLPAY" and add it to the field "PaymId".

Populating Purchase Invoice Header

The transformed payment reference is imported to "Vendor document no. 2" in the Import Journal.

When the invoice is created, the field "Payment Reference" on the Purchase Invoice Header is populated with the transformed payment reference from "Vendor document no. 2" with the format 01171350 300820 032266123456

Data Exchange Definition - Islandic Localization

Transformation Rule Card - Islandic Localization