QA - Direct posting process
When is the liability to the vendor recognized in the financial books?
- Direct posting: At invoice journal posting.
- Invoice reg/approval: At Invoice register posting (Import form).
When is VAT posted in the financial books?
- Direct posting: At invoice journal posting.
- Invoice reg/approval: Depends on the setup in Accounts payable (Time of sales tax posting).
Can you register VAT in ExFlow import form without a tax transaction being registered?
- Direct posting: Yes.
- Invoice reg/approval: Yes, if time of sales tax posting is set to “Invoice approval”.
Note: Time of sales tax posting is mandatory to set to “Invoice register” if PO-invoices are processed through ExFlow.
Which std D365FO journals/forms are ExFlow using for handling of vendor invoices?
- Direct posting: Invoice journal (non-PO), Pending vendor invoice (PO).
- Invoice reg/approval: Invoice register journal (non-PO, PO), Approval journal (non-PO, PO (indirect to Pending vendor invoice)).
Can you use Preliminary VAT (method to avoid tax transactions being reported to authorities before final posting)?
- Direct posting: Not applicable.
- Invoice reg/approval: Yes.
Can you use Direct posting in one legal entity and Invoice reg/approval in another legal entity?
- Yes, but please be aware that the posting effects will be different between the legal entities and probably new reports/queries are needed to be able to follow up the vendor balance and sales tax balance on group level.
Can you reserve costs from ExFlow open invoices at period closing?
- Direct posting: Yes, use the Ledger accrual of estimated costs functionality.
- Invoice reg/approval: Yes, use the Ledger accrual of estimated costs functionality.
Is cancellation of invoices in ExFlow affecting the GL and Vendor balance?
- Direct posting: No.
- Invoice reg/approval: Yes.