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Combination dimension owner

ExFlow | Setup | Workflows | Advanced workflow setup | Combination dimension owner

ExFlow advanced workflow combination dimension owner is used in the new advanced approval engine. This is a participant in the advanced workflow that can be used to combine two or more dimensions values on a coded line to give an unique approvers or approvers based on Role/Group. It is possible to have a list of approvers for each dimension combination and all of them should be added as approvers.

More detailed information is found in the white paper "Advanced workflow approver on financial dimension".

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

Buttons (Action pane)
EditEdit the setup
SaveSave the setup
Add LineAdd a new line
Delete LineDelete the selected line
Dimension 1The first dimension that should be used for the criteria to evaluate a match.
Dimension 2The second dimension that should be used for the criteria to evaluate a match.
User idThe user that should be the approver if a coded line matches the two dimension values combination.
Role/GroupLookup for security roles and user groups that can be added as an approver.