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Get Started


The ExFlow Get Started Wizard is designed to streamline your initial setup process and get you up and running with ExFlow quickly and efficiently. This user manual will guide you through the step-by-step process of using the wizard to configure ExFlow according to your organization's specific needs.

By completing the ExFlow Get Started Wizard, you will have a fully functioning setup of ExFlow, tailored to your requirements. You will be able to import invoices, automate approval suggestions based on attributes or roles, and experience the time-saving benefits of ExFlow's intelligent coding and approval assignment.

Throughout this user manual, we will provide detailed instructions, helpful tips, and insights to ensure a smooth and successful configuration process. We encourage you to read each section carefully, follow the steps sequentially, and feel free to refer to this manual whenever you need assistance.


Before running the ExFlow Get Started Wizard, there are a few prerequisites that need to be completed. Follow these initial steps to ensure a smooth setup process: Download and Install ExFlow: Visit the Microsoft AppSource marketplace and locate the ExFlow extension as a Free Trial.

Get Started Wizard - Microsoft AppSource

Enter your company details and select which tenant to install ExFlow in and what language. Once the installation is completed, obtain the ExFlow license key from your authorized ExFlow Partner. Search for ExFlow License Activation and enter the license key.

Get Started Wizard - License Activation

Once these initial steps are completed, you are ready to proceed with running the Get Started Wizard. Note: It is essential to have the ExFlow extension installed, and the license key activated to proceed with the ExFlow Get Started Wizard. If you encounter any issues during the installation or activation, refer to the ExFlow documentation or reach out to the ExFlow support team for assistance.

Search for ExFlow Get Started Wizard.

Get Started Wizard

Copy Setup from another company

If you have previously installed and configured ExFlow in other companies within the same tenant, you have the option to copy the ExFlow setup. This feature is particularly valuable when you want to apply the same or similar configuration settings to your new company.

Get Started Wizard - Copy ExFlow Setup

Get Started Wizard - Copy ExFlow Setup

Get Started

Firstly, we have a comprehensive video tutorial that walks you through each step of the wizard, explaining the process in a visual and engaging manner. Simply click on the Watch Video link to access it and follow along with the instructions. Secondly, we have prepared a detailed step-by-step guide that provides written instructions on executing the wizard. This guide offers clear explanations and helpful tips to ensure a smooth and successful setup experience.

Get Stared Wizard

Approval Assignment

Define the approval assignment and approval order for your documents. The approval assignment determines how ExFlow dynamically assigns approvers to your documents based on specific attributes or values found on the document.

As an illustration, consider the following example that outlines the desired order of approvers for a document:

  1. Purchaser
  2. Dimension owner of the Department dimension
  3. Dimension owner of the Region dimension In this scenario, the approver assignment for a document will follow the specified sequence. First, the purchaser will be assigned as the initial approver. Next, the dimension owner of the Department dimension will review the document. Finally, the dimension owner of the Region dimension will provide their approval.

Get Started Wizard - Approval Assignment

Create Users

Create ExFlow users based on a selection of users from your Business Central environment. The ExFlow Get Started Wizard simplifies the process of adding users to ExFlow and ensures that the appropriate information such as User name, Full name, and Email address are assigned.

Updates or modifications on existing ExFlow users should be executed from “ExFlow Users”. This ensures centralized control and consistency in user management. It’s important to note that the user executing the Get Started Wizard will be created as an ExFlow Admin User. This grants them administrative ExFlow privileges within the current company.

Get Started Wizard - Business Central Users

ExFlow Users

Complete the setup of ExFlow users by finalizing their attributes, email addresses, and permission roles. It is important to accurately assign dimension values, purchaser codes, and other relevant attributes to each user based on the specifications previously defined in the approval assignment.

Approval Roles:
• Approver: Participates in the approval process without coding change capabilities.
• Approver (Power): Has the capability to make coding changes during the approval process, based on defined Coding Rules.
• Approver (Super): Can make coding changes, search, and view all invoices within the company.
• Admin: Intended for accountants and administrators of ExFlow in Business Central, providing access to setup.

Get Started Wizard - Assign Dimensions

Automated Tasks

Enter a specific Job Queue Entry User that will be used to run the scheduled jobs, if needed. The user must have the necessary permissions to perform the tasks that the jobs will execute.

Select and schedule the necessary processes and email reminders to automate your invoice workflow process. By setting up recurring jobs, you can ensure that essential tasks such as importing invoices, creating, or posting them, and other relevant processes are performed automatically at specified intervals.

Additionally, configure email reminders to keep users informed and prompt their attention for pending approvals, approaching deadlines, or any other important events within the workflow. By leveraging email notifications, you can enhance communication and ensure a smooth flow of invoice processing.

Get Started Wizard – Automated Tasks

ExFlow Data Capture

This step is relevant for customers who utilize ExFlow Data Capture as their OCR solution. If you are not using ExFlow Data Capture, you can skip this step. Establishing a connection to ExFlow Data Capture is essential to enable a integration between ExFlow and the OCR solution. This connection allows ExFlow to import invoices from the designated company and upload master data, such as vendor information, to the ExFlow Data Capture environment. Click Enable to enter OCR Service Setup where necessary information needs to be entered.

Get Started Wizard – ExFlow Data Capture

To initiate the connection, you will need the following information provided by Signup Software:

  1. User Name: The username associated with your ExFlow Data Capture account.
  2. Password: The password associated with your ExFlow Data Capture account.
  3. Authorization Key: A unique key provided by Signup Software that grants access to your specific ExFlow Data Capture environment.
  4. OCR Doc. Template: The OCR document template that defines the layout and structure of invoices for extraction and processing.

Click close to get back to the Get Started Wizard.

Get Started Wizard – ExFlow Data Capture Account

Schedule the synchronization of master data and check the ''Enabled''- box to permit synchronization between ExFlow and ExFlow Data Capture. The synchronization of vendors from Business Central to ExFlow Data Capture will be scheduled to run every 10 minutes.

Additional Options

Configure additional options according to your specific requirements, you can further optimize and tailor ExFlow to suit your organization's needs.

Four Eyes Principle: Activate this feature to require approval from at least two individuals before a document can be posted. This extra layer of control ensures accuracy and minimizes errors in your financial processes.
Predefined Account: Simplify invoice coding for new vendors by setting up a predefined account. ExFlow will automatically suggest this account if no specific account has been defined on a vendor level. Additionally, ExFlow utilizes your Posted Purchase Invoice history in Business Central to suggest the most probable coding for efficient invoice processing.
URL to ExFlow Web: Provide the URL to your ExFlow Web, granting easy access for approvers to review and approve invoices. The user-friendly web interface offers a convenient and efficient way to manage the approval process.
Activate Additional Columns for ExFlow Web: Enhance the ExFlow Web interface by activating additional columns, such as VAT Prod Posting Group and Deferral Code.

Once you have made your selections and finalized the additional options, you are ready to complete the ExFlow Get Started Wizard and enjoy the full benefits of ExFlow in your business operations.

Get Started Wizard – Additional Options


Congratulations! You have successfully provided all the necessary information to initiate the setup according to your preferences. Click the "Finish" button to finalize the configuration and initiate the ExFlow setup based on your selections.

Get Started Wizard – Complete


If you exit the wizard at any point, don't worry! The system will prompt you with an option to save your entered data, allowing you to continue from where you left off at a later time. This way, you can conveniently pick up the setup process right where you left it without losing any progress or having to start from scratch.

Get Started Wizard – Keep Data

ExFlow Data Capture Accounts

ExFlow Data Capture Accounts is used to establish a connection to ExFlow Data Capture (EDC) for the importation of interpreted invoices and uploading of vendor master data from Business Central (if OCR Service Setup is not in use). This configuration process can be completed either during the initial setup using the Get Started Wizard or manually.

Configuration Steps: Navigate to ExFlow Data Capture Accounts to access the configuration. Click on New to initiate a new connection.

Give the connection a proper Code and choose connection Type:

  • Purchase is for Purchase Invoices
  • Sales is for Sales Orders

Connection Details: To complete the connection, ensure you have the following connection details to establish a connection to EDC. These are provided by Signup Software or your trusted Business Central Partner.

  • User Name
  • Password
  • Authorization Key

Default EDC Doc. Templates Choose the document template used for interpretation by EDC.

Data Exchange Type Choose the “EDC2EXF” which is the default Exchange Type used for EDC.

Company Selection: Unlike the "OCR Service Setup" the ExFlow Data Capture Accounts configuration allows the use of the same credentials across all companies within Business Central. This is due to the user account having access to all companies in EDC. Important: Select the correct Company as Buyer and Master Data-filter during configuration to ensure the connection is established with the intended company.

ExFlow Data Capture Account

Finalizing Configuration: Verify the entered details before finalizing the configuration process. Activate Master Data Sync to enable upload of Vendor master data. Finally activate “enable” and accept any prompt messages. Test the connection to ensure successful integration between Business Central and ExFlow Data Capture.