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Deprecated Features


Create journal for accrual of estimated costs
Reason for removal or deprecationFeature is replaced.
Replaced by another feature?Replaced by Create journal for accrual of estimated costs of all document line types.
Affected product areasOld batch job will be obsolete.
ScriptNo script will be available.
Deprecated dateJanuary 17th 2024.
Planned to be removed from release2.16.0.
Import OCR invoices to import form
Reason for removal or deprecationFeature is replaced.
Replaced by another feature?Replaced by Import OCR invoices to import form - threads.
Affected product areasOld batch job will be obsolete.
ScriptNo script will be available.
Deprecated dateJanuary 17th 2024.
Planned to be removed from release2.16.0.
Posting proposal
Reason for removal or deprecationFeature is replaced.
Replaced by another feature?Replaced by Posting proposal advanced.
Affected product areasOld function and setup will be removed.
ScriptNo script will be available.
Deprecated dateJanuary 17th 2024.
Planned to be removed from release2.16.0.
Methods for suggesting approvers (ExFlow Parameters)
Reason for removal or deprecationAll legacy approval workflows have been discontinued due to focus on advanced workflow.
Replaced by another feature?Replaced by Advanced workflow.
Affected product areasOld approval workflows not built upon Advanced workflow needs to be rebuilt. This also means that parameters/functions that are related to legacy workflows will be removed. For example, Position hierarchy logic based on owner of dimension and Position controlled by financial dimension.
ScriptNo script will be available.
Deprecated dateJanuary 17th 2024.
Planned to be removed from release2.16.0.
Position hierarchy logic based on owner of dimension (ExFlow Parameters)
Reason for removal or deprecationFunction related to legacy approval workflow.
Replaced by another feature?Replaced by Advanced workflow financial dimensions mapping.
Affected product areasLegacy approval workflow.
ScriptNo script will be available.
Deprecated dateJanuary 17th 2024.
Planned to be removed from release2.16.0.
Position controlled by financial dimension (ExFlow Parameters)
Reason for removal or deprecationFunction related to legacy approval workflow.
Replaced by another feature?Replaced by Advanced workflow approver on financial dimension.
Affected product areasLegacy approval workflow.
ScriptNo script will be available.
Deprecated dateJanuary 17th 2024.
Planned to be removed from release2.16.0.
Reference person
Reason for removal or deprecationFeature is replaced.
Replaced by another feature?Replaced by Global references.
Affected product areasWorkflows.
ScriptScript available.
Deprecated dateJanuary 17th 2024.
Planned to be removed from release2.16.0.


Import Methods (Parameter)
Reason for removal or deprecationFeature is duplicate.
Replaced by another feature?Replaced by the feature multiple Import methods, available in the setup section of ExFlow main menu.
Affected product areasImport methods setup available in ExFlow parameters.
ScriptNo Script will be provided due to technical limitations.
Deprecated date1st of February 2021.
Planned to be removed from release-
Import Invoice XML Files
Reason for removal or deprecationThis is complimentary with the (Multiple) import methods feature and will be using the same batch jobs to import invoices.
Replaced by another feature?Taken care of with the new import methods and will be using the same batch jobs required to import invoices. "Import invoice XML files (Multiple methods)".
Affected product areasThe batch Job used for middle-ware integration will be obsolete.
ScriptNo Script will be provided due to technical limitations.
Deprecated date1st of February 2021.
Planned to be removed from release2.13.0
Middleware Integration batch job
Reason for removal or deprecationThis is complimentary with the (Multiple) import methods feature and will be using the same batch jobs to import invoices.
Replaced by another feature?Taken care of with the new import methods and will be using the same batch jobs required to import invoices. "Import invoice XML files (Multiple methods)".
Affected product areasThe batch Job used for middle-ware integration will be obsolete.
ScriptNo Script will be provided due to technical limitations.
Deprecated date1st of February 2021.
Planned to be removed from release2.13.0
Vendor Upload RSO
Reason for removal or deprecationUpload vendor information that is available in ExFlow parameters and is triggered by the batch job Upload vendor information to ReadSoft Online has been marked as deprecated. The feature is duplicate.
Replaced by another feature?The batch job Upload vendor information to ExFlow data capture (Multiple methods). It is important to know that this feature is complimentary with the “Multiple Import methods” feature mentioned above.
Affected product areasVendor upload to RSO setup in ExFlow parameters, and the batch job “Upload vendor information to ReadSoft Online”.
ScriptNo Script will be provided due to technical limitations.
Deprecated date1st of February 2021.
Planned to be removed from release2.13.0
Email Notification
Reason for removal or deprecationThe feature has been replaced.
Replaced by another feature?The feature has been replaced by Email Broadcast
Affected product areasThe Email notification setup will be obsolete.
ScriptNo Script.
Deprecated date1st of February 2021.
Planned to be removed from release-
Coding Line for Import
Reason for removal or deprecationThe feature is duplicate.
Replaced by another feature?This feature has been replaced by Attribute value map.
Affected product areasCoding line for import will be marked as obselete.
ScriptNo Script.
Deprecated date1st of February 2021.
Planned to be removed from release-

SignUp Recommendations

-- Due to the limitations and restrictions that the deprecated features carry, it is important to enable the replacing features allowing clients to benefit from the extended capabilities. Furthermore, deprecated features will not be supported, and will be removed one year from being marked as deprecated.

N.B: It is the client’s responsibility to enable the substituting features in their test environments, verify and confirm that they work as expected before they are migrated to production.