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Sales Order Import Workflow

Go to: ExFlow Sales Document Import List

Interpret the sales orders in ExFlow Data Capture.

Click on Import Sales Document to import the sales orders and then Yes.

Import Sales Document

Imported sales order without error will be created directly and can be found in the standard Sales order list.

Import Sales Document

Find the newly created sales order in the selected sales batch, or by clicking on the No. of Documents on the Sales Batch line.

Import Sales Document

Since this selected Default journal have Document Create Type set as ‘’Create’’ then all sales order will be created and get status Open.

Import Sales Document

If the Document Create Type was set to ‘’Create and Release’’, then the sales order would have been Released as well.

Import Sales Document

Handling Imported Sales Orders With Error

Imported documents with error will be stuck in the Sales Document Import list until the error is handled manually.

Import Sales Document

Click on Yes to open the Error Message.

Import Sales Document

Error message:

Import Sales Document

Its also possible to click on the Import Document No to see the error message among other information. If a document has an error, it will get Status ‘’Error’’ until the error is resolved.

Import Sales Document

From the card, you will get the opportunity to map an interpreted value to another value. For instance, interpreting an unknown and red marked Unit of Measure ‘’Styck’’ to Unit of measure that Business Central is familiar with, in this example ‘’PCS’’.

Import Sales Document

Click on the three dots on the import lines to make a mapping, and the drill down pile:

Import Sales Document

Choose the correct Unit of Measure Code and click on OK.

Import Sales Document

The unit of measure (Import) will no longer be red marked and the new unit of measure is now entered on the lines. The document is no longer stuck, the document status will therefore change from Error to Processed.

Import Sales Document

It’s now doable to create the sales order, simply click on ‘’Batch Create Sales Orders’’.

Import Sales Document

Add filter if needed or click on OK.

Import Sales Document

A sales order creation confirmation will be given.

Import Sales Document

To see all created sales orders, click on the No. of Documents on the sales batch line, in this example three sales orders are created, but not released.

Import Sales Document

If the sales orders are supposed to be Created and Released straight away, edit the list, and make the change.

Import Sales Document

If a filter is added on, for instance ‘’Document Filter’’ is set to ‘’Bill to Customer’’, then all their documents will be imported to this specific ‘’Bill- to Customer No.’’ batch.

Import Sales Document